Sunday 21 February 2016

ਉਲਟੀ ਗੰਗਾ ਜਮੁਨ ਮਿਲਾਵਉ ॥ .....Turn your breath away from the left channel, and away from the right channel, and unite them in the central channel of the Sushmanaa...SGGS-327

उलटी ले सकति सहारं ॥
Ultī le sakaṯ sahāraʼn.
Turning away from materialism, I have found intuitive support.
पैसीले गगन मझारं ॥
Paisīle gagan majẖāraʼn.
I have entered into the sky of the mind, and opened the Tenth Gate.
बेधीअले चक्र भुअंगा ॥
Beḏẖī▫ale cẖakar bẖuangā.
The chakras of the coiled Kundalini energy have been opened,
भेटीअले राइ निसंगा ॥२॥
Bẖetī▫ale rā▫e nisangā. ||2||
and I have met my Sovereign Lord King without fear. ||2||
चूकीअले मोह मइआसा ॥
Cẖūkī▫ale moh ma▫i▫āsā.
My attachment to Maya has been eradicated;
ससि कीनो सूर गिरासा ॥
Sas kīno sūr girāsā.
the moon energy has devoured the sun energy.
जब कु्मभकु भरिपुरि लीणा ॥
Jab kumbẖak bẖaripur līṇā.
When I was focused and merged into the all-pervading Lord,
तह बाजे अनहद बीणा ॥३॥
Ŧah bāje anhaḏ bīṇā. ||3||
then the unstruck sound current began to vibrate. ||3||
बकतै बकि सबदु सुनाइआ ॥
Bakṯai bak sabaḏ sunā▫i▫ā.
The Speaker has spoken, and proclaimed the Word of the Shabad.
सुनतै सुनि मंनि बसाइआ ॥
Sunṯai sun man basā▫i▫ā.
The hearer has heard, and enshrined it in the mind.
करि करता उतरसि पारं ॥
Kar karṯā uṯras pāraʼn.
Chanting to the Creator, one crosses over.
ਕਹੈ ਕਬੀਰਾ ਸਾਰੰ ॥੪॥੧॥੧੦॥
कहै कबीरा सारं ॥४॥१॥१०॥
Kahai kabīrā sāraʼn. ||4||1||10||
Says Kabeer, this is the essence. ||4||1||10||
चंदु सूरजु दुइ जोति सरूपु ॥
Cẖanḏ sūraj ḏu▫e joṯ sarūp.
The moon and the sun are both the embodiment of light.
जोती अंतरि ब्रहमु अनूपु ॥१॥
Joṯī anṯar barahm anūp. ||1||
Within their light, is God, the incomparable. ||1||
करु रे गिआनी ब्रहम बीचारु ॥
Kar re gi▫ānī barahm bīcẖār.
O spiritual teacher, contemplate God.
जोती अंतरि धरिआ पसारु ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Joṯī anṯar ḏẖari▫ā pasār. ||1|| rahā▫o.
In this light is contained the expanse of the created universe. ||1||Pause||
हीरा देखि हीरे करउ आदेसु ॥
Hīrā ḏekẖ hīre kara▫o āḏes.
Gazing upon the diamond, I humbly salute this diamond.
कहै कबीरु निरंजन अलेखु ॥२॥२॥११॥
Kahai Kabīr niranjan alekẖ. ||2||2||11||
Says Kabeer, the Immaculate Lord is indescribable. ||2||2||11||
दुनीआ हुसीआर बेदार जागत मुसीअत हउ रे भाई ॥
Ḏunī▫ā husī▫ār beḏār jāgaṯ musī▫aṯ ha▫o re bẖā▫ī.
People of the world, remain awake and aware. Even though you are awake, you are being robbed, O Siblings of Destiny.
निगम हुसीआर पहरूआ देखत जमु ले जाई ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Nigam husī▫ār pahrū▫ā ḏekẖaṯ jam le jā▫ī. ||1|| rahā▫o.
While the Vedas stand guard watching, the Messenger of Death carries you away. ||1||Pause||
नं​ीबु भइओ आंबु आंबु भइओ नं​ीबा केला पाका झारि ॥
Nīmb bẖa▫i▫o āʼnb āʼnb bẖa▫i▫o nīmbā kelā pākā jẖār.
He thinks that the bitter nimm fruit is a mango, and the mango is a bitter nimm. He imagines the ripe banana on the thorny bush.
नालीएर फलु सेबरि पाका मूरख मुगध गवार ॥१॥
Nālī▫er fal sebar pākā mūrakẖ mugaḏẖ gavār. ||1||
He thinks that the ripe coconut hangs on the barren simmal tree; what a stupid, idiotic fool he is! ||1||
हरि भइओ खांडु रेतु महि बिखरिओ हसतीं चुनिओ न जाई ॥
Har bẖa▫i▫o kẖāʼnd reṯ mėh bikẖri▫o hasṯīʼn cẖuni▫o na jā▫ī.
The Lord is like sugar, spilled onto the sand; the elephant cannot pick it up.
कहि कमीर कुल जाति पांति तजि चीटी होइ चुनि खाई ॥२॥३॥१२॥
Kahi kamīr kul jāṯ pāʼnṯ ṯaj cẖītī ho▫e cẖun kẖā▫ī. ||2||3||12||
Says Kabeer, give up your ancestry, social status and honor; be like the tiny ant - pick up and eat the sugar. ||2||3||12||
बाणी नामदेउ जीउ की रामकली घरु १
Baṇī nāmḏe▫o jī▫o kī rāmkalī gẖar 1
The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee, Raamkalee, First House: