Friday 28 March 2014

The seven major chakras:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.......

Kundalini Awakening: Prana usually flows in Ida or PingalaThe seven major chakras: As was described in section #1, the energy of Prana flows in the nadis, and the major vortices of the energy intersections are the chakras. Energy is concentrated and stored at these chakra intersections. They are the subtlety which is underneath, or provides the support for the nerve plexuses along the spine. Briefly, the seven major chakras are: 
  1. Muladhara: coccyx, base of the spine, at the perineum
  2. Svadhistana: sacral plexus, genital area
  3. Manipura: solar plexus, navel center
  4. Anahata: cardiac plexus, heart center
  5. Visshuddha: thoracic plexus, throat center
  6. Ajna: pituitary center, eyebrow center
  7. Sahasrara: crown of the head

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