Wednesday 7 May 2014

1...2....3....4[[JIVA IS IN THIS TRIKUT]]....5,,,OUR Dharma..duty is to be in 1 zone..TRIKUT CHUUTAE DASAM DWAR KHULLE....

"Everything Is Predetermined" Einstein and Ramana Maharshi - Gary Weber

to identify the sargun was the part of the plan of nirgun,,,,,,from nirgun mode, that is no-2,source heart..the command was set in to move the wrist,,,thats 0 micro sec....the sahasara is 350 micro sec the command reaches agnasargun....and finally the wrist moves at 550 micro the entire action was initiated in nirgun mode and completed in sargun mode ater 550 micro what exactly jiva did was carried forward the a courier...postman...who under the wildest speck of imaginations cant be the writer of letter,,,,

JUST SIMPLE,,,AWAKE INHALE BREATH,,,,,,PUMPING UP THE LUNGS,,,JUST SHAKING UP THE GAMA MODE....AND EXHALING TOWARDS THE OBJECTS.......WHO PERFORMS THIS BREATH,,,,THE JIVA,,homo homo sapian,,,,ie A...TO ,,,B,,,TO,,,,,C,,,where in A is the physical the chakras[[[sahasara]]brain.....and the objects we cling on to....this whole app was to realise matter???...right