Saturday 8 February 2014

Maharshi’s Gospel

Getting: The Self is always there. You have only to remove
the veil obstructing the revelation of the Self.
Retaining: Once you realise the Self, it becomes your direct
and immediate experience. It is never lost.Extending: There is no extending of the Self, for it is as
ever, without contraction or expansion.
Retirement: Abiding in the Self is solitude. Because there
is nothing alien to the Self. Retirement must be
from some one place or state to another. There is
neither the one nor the other apart from the Self. All
being the Self, retirement is impossible and
Abhyasa is only the prevention of disturbance to the
inherent peace. You are always in your natural State
whether you do abhyasa or not.... To remain as you
are, without question or doubt, is your natural State.

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